
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Landon's next surgery was scheduled for Thursday morning, but tonight the doctors decided to move it to tomorrow morning. His stats were in the low 60s for a while yesterday so thats why they've decided to do it even sooner. They are not going to try to turn off the PGE before surgery because based on the echo of his heart it will do nothing except cause him distress to take away the medicine.

This came as such a surprise to us that they want to move the surgery up a whole day. It was hard holding Landon tonight, knowing that tomorrow night he'll have the tubes back in him and he won't be responsive to us. It's going to be so hard seeing him like that again. I feel like we've taken so many steps forward this week, it breaks my heart he has to go back to how he was. As our nurse told us this morning though, this will just bring us one step closer to bringing him home. It's still progress even though it feels like we're back tracking. She told us his recovery will be much faster this time. He will probably only need the breathing tube and the sedation for two days.

Please keep us in your prayers tomorrow. His surgery begins at 8:00AM. Pray that the surgery goes smoothly and that the shunt is successful in accomplishing what the doctors want it to. It is our fear that they will find something else wrong that needs to be fixed. We SO want this to be the last big thing so he can get back to the recovery phase and eating on his own again so we can take him home soon.


Pat Hanson said...

Just got the update and yes, we will be praying. GOD loves you all so very much! HE tells us that in Jer. 31:3 and many other places in HIS word. HE's holding you!! HIS will be done! Love you! Pat

The K. Family said...

We'll be praying too, for Landon, and you and Ryan!